Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Study of Boundaries

May 28, 2009

a study of boundaries........I needed to separate a line, pull it from the others to examine it. the quality of consistency in form dictates the outcome of the puddle at the end.

first a smooth and even line
then a little bit thicker
finally a jagged, uneven line

what does a line do to another line?
it mimics it, it races it, it crosses it
and perhaps just stays with it

when inside becomes outside, the lines fall to the floor.


Mary Hull Webster said...

Tara, I just spent quite a bit of time with your blog...I think it's a really wonderful project for you. I appreciate your attention to all the details. It works perfectly, no typos, really seamless in terms of production, which allows me to focus entirely on the art and writing.

I like the first drive by book the best...maybe quite a subjective choice. It seemed tightly edited in terms of images, the drive by evening a little more scattered in terms of pictures.

The book and blog forms are both wonderful formats for the notion of boundaries, lines--all of the issues you are currently exploring. You have clearly pored over the decision making, really seen your own photography and writing and have determined what is to be included or left out. Editing a book for me (subjectively) is a long and well-considered process--not a spontaneous "anything goes" project. An objective and workman-like consideration of the reader/viewer's experience in your work here has been carefully balanced with your own subjective stance of your work and the world. I say BRAVA! Mary

fortuna said...

Lovely! - inspired me to post again and to think about containment.